Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 5/31/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

Review Article

Journal of Eskisehir Turkish World Application and Research Center (ESTUDAM) Informatics is aimed to provide an environment for introducing, sharing, discussing new topics, academic researches and developments in the fields of computer engineering, software engineering and information technologies.

Journal of Eskisehir Turkish World Application and Research Center (ESTUDAM) Informatics is an international refereed journal aiming to give information about innovation, academic research and technological developments in the fields of computer engineering, software engineering and information technologies. Journal of ESTUDAM Informatics aims to provide information about the latest technologies in the theory and practice of studies of interest. The journal is published electronically by Eskişehir Osmangazi University Eskişehir Turkish World Application and Research Center, twice per years (in January and May). Manuscripts are examined with double blind referee application; accepted papers are printed as open access (free access). The language of the journal is Turkish or English and includes abstracts in both languages.

The text is single-line, 11-point, highlighted in italics instead of underlining (with valid URL addresses), and all shapes, pictures, and tables are placed at the appropriate points in the text within the page. For printing, you can send quality copies of images as additional files. If the size of the submitted file becomes too large, the system may not receive it. In such cases, you can split the text and send other sections as single files. About the Journal can be seen in the Author Guide.

Authors submitting studies using experimental animals or human subjects in research articles should obtain approval from the Experimental Animal Ethics Committee or the appropriate Ethics Committee. In the Material and Method section of the article, there should be a statement proving that the ethical consent has been approved and that informed consent has been obtained (such as the date and number of the ethics consent document obtained).
Journal Editors should examine whether the submitted articles meet the Aim and Scope of the journal and the originality of the work in terms of quantity. Editors do not disclose information about a submitted article and information about the relevant author (s) to anyone other than referees, possible referees or other editorial board members. Editors will immediately initiate the review process of the article, regardless of race, gender, country of origin, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation.
The referee review should immediately start the process as soon as the journal's editor takes decisions. Referees should indicate related publications not included in the article and similarities with previously published works. Reviewers should not evaluate articles that have a conflict of interest, financial or collaborative work. When an appointed referee is out of his / her field of study after reviewing the manuscript, the relevant referee should inform the field editor and return the referee duty. Manuscripts received for review should be treated confidentially and should not be shared with others without the editors' permission. Reviewers must return their review reports within two weeks.
The authors of the article should present in detail that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, that they are different from their previous work and the experimental studies that have been done. It must transfer the copyright of the article to the publishing house. Authors should detail where and how the data were taken, and provide explanations about financial or other conflicts of interest. All sources of financial support should be disclosed. Everyone who has made significant contributions should be included as co-authors If an author finds a material error in the published work, it is obliged to notify the editor of the journal to correct or retract the article.
In cases where proven scientific misconduct, plagiarism or fraudulent publication is detected, the publisher, in cooperation with the editorial board, will take appropriate measures to clarify the situation, withdraw the publication or withdraw the work in question.

All articles accepted for publication by Journal of Eskisehir Turkish World Application and Research Center (ESTUDAM) Informatic are published electronically and are published as open access (free access).

Journal of ESTUDAM Information is indexed by Index Copernicus, Google ScholarASOS Index and ROAD index.